Consider the traditional art of “game”, we run up on a stranger with
some conversation, a little strategy and whatever we know from experience and depending on the way the dice fall we either get some feedback or she disses us and moves away. What tends to happen on the diss for amateurs is that we sit back analyzing where we went wrong, what we lack, and what her problem is. We turn into stuck cars spinning away at our wheels trying to come up with an excuse for the rejection.
Consider some of the excuses we tend to come up with:
Well maybe she has a man.
She looks like a stuck-up broad anyway.
It’s obvious she’s looking for a trick with money; I mean this is an expensive steak house and she’s alone.
Her loss.
What if you find out that she’s in a bad spot at the time and getting hooked up is the last thing on her mind? Maybe she has a firm rule about guys who approach her in clubs? What if you look way too much like her brother and she thought it was creepy? Far-fetched? Maybe, maybe not but my point in these suppositions is that we never know. This is why the hardcore wolves don’t give it a thought; she gave you a no – on to the next!
While it may seem like a male problem this whole rejection and excuses thing – I swear that women take it 10 times worse than we do, especially if said woman is under the assumption that she is on her game at the time. You’ve seen it before, the try-hard chick who goes up to a guy batting her eyes, sliding him her number and overplaying her hand. Any guy should be grateful to have it fall in his lap that easily right? No, not based on the way things work – contrary to popular belief not all guys are desperate or in need of it.
The only cure for rejection is acceptance
There is never a time when someone is so major that anyone they talk to is an instant hook-up. A woman can look like Adriana Lima and still be lonely, not because she isn’t beautiful but because the other person has their own reasons. So instead of making it all about you in the case of hooking up with someone, kicking game, or even in taking a relationship to the next level, consider that there is another human being involved in the decision-making. Accept rejection and move on.
Source: halloftheblackdragon.com
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