We thumbed through a new book that reveals skin myths and solutions

Whether you’re battling with acne, sun spots, rashes, scarring, blemishes, dry or oily skin, sometimes products that promise they'll do the trick seem to have little to no effect on our skin. To help you use your product correctly, Ahmed Abdullah, MD, plastic surgeon and author
of “Simple Skincare, Beautiful Skin: A Back-to-Basics Approach,” debunks the myths for achieving healthy skin.
MYTH: You need to apply different products to your skin all at once.
“The skin does need a good moisturizer, the type of which is dependent on skin type,” Abdullah writes in his book. “However, there is no absolute need to buy separate moisturizers for different parts of your face.” And that goes for the area around your eyes, too. “Skin is skin, so what works on the rest of our face works in this area as well.”
MYTH: Products that say they are "water-based" hydrate skin better.
“Water-based skincare products don’t hydrate because the skin cannot absorb water," writes Abdullah. "The presence of water simply dilutes the active ingredients that are contained within the product.”
MYTH: Makeup is bad for skin.
“Makeup does not have the capacity to directly cause acne, but some makeup products may dry out the skin, which increases its susceptibility to the condition. For this reason, it is recommended that only non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic makeup products be used.”
MYTH: Cleansing nightly is more important for acne than anti-aging.
"Skincare products are limited in what they can do to address fine lines and wrinkles, since they rarely reach far enough into the skin’s layers to be effective.” Dr. Abdullah suggests exfoliating every day to remove dead skin cells.
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